Boldare stands with Ukraine
We stand in solidarity with all the people affected by the crisis in Ukraine. We support Boldare employees who are from Ukraine and have family there. We are doing everything we can to be supportive of them in particular.

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Since the invasion started, we have been organizing support for all our employees whose families are impacted by the crisis. We support the Ukrainian people not only as a company, but above all as human beings. We hold a strong belief in democratic values, peace, and freedom. All people have the basic human right to live in safety, to raise a family without fear, and to pursue whatever interests they choose.
Our team at Boldare is currently looking for more meaningful ways we can help in this terrible situation. Especially now, we’re proud of membership in the Tech to the Rescue – a non-profit initiative created to pair NGOs that require assistance with tech projects (such as product development) with tech companies that can provide these services. We are determined to develop and use technology for the good of society. Digital solutions can help overcome real-life challenges as well as protect us from disinformation and cyberattacks, especially in times of crisis.
We will keep you informed about our initiatives and encourage our clients, partners, and friends of the company to get involved and help the millions who have had their lives disrupted. Together, we can achieve more.
At the same time, Boldare’s business continues to be strong. We are winning new projects, working on existing projects and meeting with clients both in-person and remotely on a regular basis. We are expanding as a company and continuously recruiting new talent from around the world.
As a member of NATO and the EU, Poland continues to be an attractive location to invest in and operate businesses. We are firmly integrated in the western European commerce and distribution system. Our economy is stable and continues to grow.
We invite you to reach out to us with any questions or comments. Thank you.
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